Tuesday, October 18, 2011

This He Colds and Flu Differences

You do not crosspost to distinguish colds and flu. It is important that the disease is quickly overcome. Then how do I tell?

Flu usually can lead to serious complications such as pneumonia and even death. If you feel pain like he'd been hit by a truck, chances are you have the flu. Other symptoms are sore throat, fever, headache, muscle pain, inflammation, gastrointestinal, and cough. These symptoms are much more severe than indicated by colds and stuffy runny nose and sometimes accompanied by sore throat.

Flu symptoms usually increase for two to five days. But it could get worse until a week or more. The cold only lasts a maximum of one week. Now handling the first 48 hours of flu symptoms is the best prevention.

One type of flu that is deadly bird flu (H1N1). This type of flu and other seasonal flu usually begins with symptoms, cough, sore throat, fever, and pain throughout the body. Usually bird flu patients also experience digestive disorders such as nausea and diarrhea.

The best way to find out if you got the flu or a cold is to go to the doctor. With the swap test in 30 minutes can be specified types of viruses that hit your body. Anticipation of the first if the positive is infected with influenza antiviral treatment.

As for colds can be treated with the drug market. Medications containing acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen can overcome pain or headache. But do not forget to read the active ingredients and warnings on the packaging.

Actually, to prevent flu and colds are very simple that is, wash your hands. Wash hands for 20 seconds until the sidelines of the fingers and nails to help remove germs. But if you want to be free from the flu, the vaccine is efficacious manner.

1 comment:

  1. Whenever I feel a cold coming I drink Elderberry tea. It is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, making it ideal to treat colds and the flu.

    It brings down fevers and aids with asthma and coughing as well. It's really a fantastic herbal medicine!

