Sunday, October 21, 2012

RequireJS 2.1.1



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The Dojo Foundation | More scripts
MIT License
BSD License
GPL - GNU General Public License 

Windows / Linux / Mac OS / BSD / Solaris
October 22nd, 2012, 04:39 GMT [view history]
C: \ Development Tools \ Other Libraries

It loads plain JavaScript files as well as more defined modules.

It is optimized for in-browser use, including in a Web Worker, but it can be used in other JavaScript environments, like Rhino and Node.

It implements the CommonJS Transport/C proposal API.

RequireJS uses plain script tags to load modules/files, so it should allow for easy debugging.

It can be used simply to load existing JavaScript files, so the developer can add it to an existing project without having to re-write JavaScript files.

RequireJS has an included optimization tool to combine and minify JavaScript files and allow for better performance.

RequireJS works in IE 6+, Firefox 2+, Safari 3.2+, Chrome 3+, and Opera 10+.

RequireJS does not have any dependencies on a JavaScript framework.

Here are some key features of "RequireJS":

· Allows performance upgrades
· Load any script
· Allow modules to keep a clean global namespace
· Has a streamlined core loader, but allows for the future
· The module format should be compact
· Scripts can be evaluated out of order, but modules need to be evaluated according to dependencies
· The loader should be able to load nested dependencies
· Load code before and after page load
· Scripts can specify dependencies
· Goes with the grain of the browser


· JavaScript enabled on client side

What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]

· Fix for a 'use strict' issue in Safari 6: should only show up in certain non-optimized scenarios.

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