Saturday, September 17, 2011

CODE Cracking 101: From 'Met' to 'Net': Cracking The Networking CODE

There is this small, unassuming word you often find in the biographies of famous ljudi.Riječ was' introduced .'

Then William R. Hewlett met David Packard.

then Dean Martin met Jerry Lewis.

After that Sid met Nancy.

Then Siegfried met Roy.

We meet people all the time. Meeting people is part of life. Meeting people is one of the basic steps for building priceless business relationships through networking. But this is not the only step.

So, how do you build priceless business relationships? This is an important issue to consider because, to a large extent, who you know and associate with determines who you become in life. The most successful, well-rounded and happy people are usually the ones who are best connected with other successful, well-rounded and happy people. When these people need help or information, they know the right people to call.

How well connected are determined by access to those with the most money, the best contacts, the real power and influence (not to mention the best seats at sporting events). Being associated with the right people opens up opportunities for you and your company.

However, there is a difference between meeting someone and building priceless business relationships with them. There is a long way from the "met the net" and because people misjudge the distance this term 'networking' has gotten a rogue rap.

I always ask the professionals who come to the workshop based on my book, cracking Networking CODE, share with me what they think when they hear the word "networking". Far too often I hear that conjures up images of a manipulative, self-serving, dishonest and predatory individuals who are on the prowl for someone can encounter, try to sell something or ask for undeserved mercy of. I wish I could say this style of 'networking' was not out there, but is it a waste of time for an inefficient networker and unfortunate people whom the corner.

Successful networking is somewhat an enigma, because the skills needed for successful networks are simple to understand, but not necessarily easy to exercise. It helps to think of networking as a creative process. You are creating ways to serve and help people progress. You progress when you help others progress.

Progress is what it is all about. To crack the code of networking, building priceless business relationships and become a truly effective networker, you have to constantly look for ways to help others progress. You have a position in their minds as a catalyst for progress, as an agent in their progress, as a Progress Agent.

When you made ​​someone feel good when you help them solve the problem, you have helped them be a positive step, they see as the agent of progress. Start on you, you listen, you want to be around you and help you. In addition, they start talking about you a good way to get all the people who are in their network. You can create positive word-of-mouth and positive buzz. You are worth the buzz. You Buzzworthy. Keep 'Be Progress' and your buzzworthiness growing. Buzzworthiness? Is that even a word?

caring, giving attitude of the stone to break the network kod.Četiri letters that make up the cost for the four steps consistently taken the most effective Networkers to build a truly priceless business relationships.

Effective Networkers:

C: Create Personal Curb Appeal

Effective Networkers feel successful and display a genuine desire to help others progress. They are the agents of progress. They look and act the part of you would like to have someone in your corner. They do not go to
networking events in search of success, they are successful with them to events.

A: Open the face-to-face relations

Effective Networkers connect with new people everywhere they go. They are also doing research in various networking options and commit to a networking strategy. They get up and around and reach out. They proactively open relationships.

D: Deliver Solid First Impressions

Effective Networkers know their first impression sets the foundation for all future occurrences, and they make sure that it is good. Effective networkers try to stand in a positive way
awareness of people want future contact.

E: Earn Trust

Effective Networkers follow and keep in touch. They remain involved in the people you meet and earn their trust through a series of progress based on impressions. They continually find ways to help - that'd be progress "for those in their network. This is where most inefficient Networkers drop the ball.

Of course, that business is a challenge.

Of course, marketing is moving bull's eye.

Of course, people are often pressed for time.

, but here's something else I know for sure: People do business with, and assistance, exchange information, ideas, and give suggestions for people to trust and value. They believe and value the people who really care about them and advance funds for their lives.

Crack the Networking CODE.

be progress.


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