Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cymbal Crack Prevention 101

Ever wondered why make the short lifespan? How is it going to be fissures occur so quickly? There can be many reasons, but can significantly reduce the likelihood of cracking cymbal, if you follow these guidelines. I will discuss the construction of the dulcimer, playing technique and other factors.

cymbal durability depends on the material is primarily. Most cymbals are made from bronze, a bronze cymbals if you have a chance cracks appearing on them is greatly reduced. Brass is a metal used for making cymbals. Unfortunately, it's pretty weak, and the cymbals of brass cracks often. If you happen to be of brass cymbals, try switching to a bronze, it will pay off in the long run (not to mention they sound so much better). Another tip here. Cast bronze cymbals are more durable than those made from sheet bronze

The next important step is to make sure you always mount cymbals ispravno.Spojke holds the top hi-hat cymbal should be placed in such a way that allows the cymbal wave malo.Isto for the fall and any other cymbal in the set. If you screw them too tight, the cymbals will crack from the center outward. Before you mount the cymbal always make sure that the rubber sleeve is in place. They tend to 'disappear' quite often, so spare with you at all times. They prevent metal to metal contact "keyholing effect'.

Mind your playing technique. When you run the edge of the hit with your stick, make sure the angle between the plane and the edge of the leg is less than 45 degrees. If you're hitting a cymbal at larger angles, you should consider repositioning them to suit your technique and prevent cracking at the same time. Avoid frequent cleaning and only use chemicals that you know will not damage the cymbal coating.


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