Friday, September 30, 2011

Google's Not Really Need Backlink?

Google's Not Really Need Backlink? - Many say that Google does not need more backlinks. The issue is not true, I'll post here to straighten it on the news is outstanding.

Google's Not Really Need Backlink? SEO knowledge is full of mystery. The more time goes on, science will continue to evolve seo therefore we must often read and read to our seo knowledge adds.

Google Algorithm 2011 is very cruel, until someone said that backlinks are not needed anymore. Actually it's not necessary, but only set aside or subordinated, which became the primary is onpage seo and quality contest. Backlink is still needed, but not to excess, do not buy many thousands of backlinks, it will be in vain. Here I will describe some of which may determine the outcome of the SERP:

1. SEO onpage
The most determining our position on search engines is onpage seo techniques. On Page SEO techniques is to optimize the SEO techniques in your own blog for example by optimizing the use of keywords, put a breadcrumb on a blog (read: make navigation breacrumb on blogspot), create internal links (read: how to create internal links in each post), tag title , until the installation of meta tags (read: how to create meta tags seo friendly).

2. Quality Content
Quality content is also very influential on our position on search engines. Google really liked the original and fresh articles. It means you have to create an article that looks fresh but your own handiwork. That way, google will provide the best positions on search engines hers.

3. Backlink
Backlink was not needed anymore, but subordinated by google. Although backlinknya lot but not balanced by onpage seo, it would be futile. Look for backlinks only reasonable, not excessive. Do not use cepet looking like boomber backlink backlink, backlink boost, buy backlinks or the other. Therefore you must emphasize to the onpage seo and seimbangi with backlinks also in order to continue to survive.

See the direct quote that I quoted from the official website google webmaster below:

"Our advice for publishers Continues to be to focus on delivering aspects the best possible user experience on your websites and not to focus too much on what They think are Google's current ranking algorithms or signals. Some publishers have fixated on our priors Panda algorithm change, but the Panda was just one of roughly 500 search improvements We expect to roll out to search this year. In fact, since We launched Panda, we've rolled out over a dozen additional tweaks to our ranking algorithms, and some sites have incorrectly assumed That changes in Their rankings were the resource persons related to Panda. Search is a complicated and evolving art and science, so rather than focusing on specific algorithmic tweaks, We Encourage you to focus on delivering aspects the best possible experience for users ".

In the excerpt, it is clear that Google is emphasizing user experience which in other words, on page seo optimization is one way enhance user experience. The bottom line onpage seo of the most influential in determining the outcome of the position of your blog articles and blogs on search engines, so do not underestimate the onpage seo.


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