Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How Hackers Use Social Engineering to Infect Your Computer

beliefs and assumptions - thinking about something that is unexamined - are key elements in any attempt to elicit a response from the target ("Marks"). In today's Internet, this effort is called "social engineering" and is used to get you to click on something before thinking about the consequences.

Some of the more common uses assumptions are as follows:

My virus protection is adequate

This assumption is probably used them all. We are constantly bombarded with commercials touting how much better one over the other. All letting users believing that, depending on how the product is chosen, it will protect your computer from hackers.

This assumption is, therefore, have a number of store allows hackers to exploit vulnerabilities in the antivirus program can not protect against. Things such as links to infectious payload - links to e-mail, instant messages, forum posts, social networks (Facebook, MySpace, etc. ).

Friends and family would send me a virus

for hackers to harvest log on to online accounts and information stored on your computer. They can also take control of your e-mail client. Then they will send you an email containing links or attachments contagious that everyone in your contact list with a simple come-ons that recipients click.

Since it appears to have come from a friend or family member, our guard is down, and we will click on what is in the message before you think about it.

If the web site says you need something, that's for sure

This is one of the most dangerous conditions ever. Web pages are a collection of words designed to elicit a response from the visitors. Our confidence is a site associated with the experience of our site and our history site / brand.

If he says that we need to update our Flash Player to view their content, we assume that we should do. No, not a genuine update Flash player?

If he says that Adobe Acrobat is required to view our documents, we question that? Usually not, we will click on the link to get what we think is the Acrobat.

Virtual con artists and advertising

con artists used for some personal contact with the label to make your pitch and control labels. Today, the Internet has given con artists and advertisers the ability to make their pitches on the way (web site look and feel) is designed to reduce our resistance to their field.

Find out how.


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