Sunday, September 18, 2011

Network Security Tips for Large and Small Businesses

to know who, why, and how is the target: It is no longer good enough for companies they think are vulnerable to attack. Many of the attacks were not targeted attacks. Hackers often send a wide range of e-mails hoping to get an answer. Targeted attacks are dangerous as hackers target specific business and its key information such as finance, SEC filings, the staff ... itd.Ciljani attack looks for sensitive data and network server becomes the main target.

Anti-DDoS solutions: It is important that effective DDoS protection. When a DDoS attack, resources such as processing power, storage capacity and bandwidth, overwhelmed and exhausted, leaving no resources for legitimate traffic zahtjeve.Softver to analyze incoming traffic and filter out any malicious packets. This prevents the server from being flooded with traffic that stops the normal functions of the server and the server is offline.

Maintaining the latest security software: It is essential that every business seems to have the latest security software protection. Since they are always emerging viruses, trojans, worms, and malware, it is important to have the latest security software that provides complete protection against malicious elements that are designed to penetrate the server. You can find good quality security solutions that offer complete protection against the latest threats to the software. As well, make sure you are constantly updating security software.

Think before you click: There are safety rules to be followed in all operations. Do not click on any given e-mail. Be careful of the spear-phishing attacks that seek competitive intelligence and corporate espionage, so do not click on any of the advertising links in e-mail. Use a unique email address to reset your password e-mail to a minimum. Deleting e-mail requests for information on personal data, financial information, and asking how to reset your password. If you receive a password reset information to the official e-mail address instead of your website, just delete it.

patches often: patch is absolutely necessary to maintain security. Set the date and time each month to do all your patching. As well, make sure you update your hardver.Rizik from malicious software from P2P (peer to peer) network is high so as not to allow a P2P server for your business. As well, Unpatched servers should not have access to the Internet.

today, because there are so many malicious activities that take place online, companies must take information security seriously. If not, they are at risk from data theft and costly delays.


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