Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sexuality Later in Life

for the seniors to experience many changes as they grow older, which could affect their sex lives. Women can find sex more enjoyable after menopause has occurred or if they have undergone a hysterectomy, because there is less risk of pregnancy. Some women may worry about how desirable that a sexual partner as they age. May they feel less feminine, resulting in a less enjoyable sex.

Although women may feel differently about sex, depending on their attitudes about their bodies and aging, they will inevitably experience the physical promjene.Vagine shortens and narrows with age, and less vaginal lubrication products that could affect how comfortable sexual encounter is for older women.

Men also have greater sensitivity to the impotence of the loss of the ability to have or erection hard enough for sexual intercourse. Men who have heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes or May experience impotence as a result of medications used to treat these conditions. May some people find it harder to get an erection, a hard or large and assembly as they are accustomed, or ejaculation as much as they can.

common challenges
Although aging and disease can affect the ability to have sex, there are methods of maintaining a satisfactory sex life without obzira.Evo some common challenges to sex that some seniors experience and some tips to overcome them:

    arthritis . Sometimes joint pain can make physical activity such as sex uncomfortable. However, your doctor may recommend joint replacement surgery or other drugs that can alleviate this pain. You can try to exercise, get a good amount of rest, take a hot bath or avoid strenuous positions in sexual activities to avoid the pain of arthritis.
    chronic pain . Some people experience recurring pain due to bone and muscle conditions, shingles, poor blood circulation and blood vessel problems. This can make the overall movement quite painful. If your doctor, he can recommend treatment options available to reduce the pain and improved ability for physical activity, including intercourse.
    diabetes. Although some people do not experience any sexual problems, diabetes can cause impotence, from time to time. Doctors can prescribe medications that can help this.
    Heart disease . The damaged blood vessels or high blood pressure in men can lead to difficulty getting or maintaining an erection. Some people are more afraid of sex can cause a heart attack, however, this effect is rare. After experiencing a heart attack, most people can start having sex after they are deemed stable and your doctor agrees that the level of physical activity is too dangerous for the patient.
    incontinence. People who have bladder control problems can be uncomfortable or anxious to participate in sex due to increased pressure on the abdomen that may occur. This condition can be treated by your doctor.
    stroke. This can lead to problems getting an erection in men, or other problems due to the paralysis caused by stroke. Sex usually does not cause strokes in people who have had them.
    hysterectomy. While the removal of the uterus in women does not affect the ability to have sex, some people find the mental implications of May more problems. Women who experience less pleasure from sex, or people who feel that their sexual partner is less feminine after surgery can be helped with counseling.
    Mastectomy . Women whose breasts have been removed are still capable of sexual response, but May they feel less desirable or enjoy sex less as a result. This can be useful to talk with other women who also have experienced this type of surgery or seek medical advice for breast reconstruction. Some people may also have a lower sex drive than hormone therapy after being diagnosed with breast cancer.
    prostatectomy. While prostate removal for medical reasons can cause impotence or incontinence, some surgical procedures allow the nerves leading to the penis to be spared, making installation possible after recovery. Men can discuss options with your doctor before surgery to continue to have a satisfying sex life later on.
    drugs. blood pressure medications, antihistamines, antidepressants, tranquilizers, appetite suppressants, diabetes drugs and ulcer drugs can lead to impotence in men and make it difficult to ejaculate. Some women experience decreased sexual desire. Talk to your doctor about options to reduce these side effects.
    Alcohol . Alcohol abuse can reduce sexual function in men and women.

Maintaining a healthy sex life
Maintaining a healthy sex life ...

retirees are still at risk for HIV, the virus that can lead to AIDS. People with more than one sexual partner or people who have unprotected sex are more at risk for contracting HIV. Wearing a condom during sex can prevent transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.

A sexual relationship involves both physical and emotional health. Retirees who are concerned about how their age affects their sex life was due to the physical abilities or attractiveness may experience sexual dysfunction as a result of this stress and worry. Being open about these concerns, talk to your sexual partner, or seeking professional help with a counselor are all good ways to avoid dissatisfying sex because of these stressors.

A sexual relationship involves both physical and emotional health. Retirees who are concerned about how their age affects their sex life was due to the physical abilities or attractiveness may experience sexual dysfunction as a result of this stress and worry. Being open about these concerns, talk to your sexual partner, or seeking professional help with a counselor are all good ways to avoid dissatisfying sex because of these stressors.

A sexual relationship involves both physical and emotional health. Retirees who are concerned about how their age affects their sex life was due to the physical abilities or attractiveness may experience sexual dysfunction as a result of this stress and worry. Being open about these concerns, talk to your sexual partner, or seeking professional help with a counselor are all good ways to avoid dissatisfying sex because of these stressors.


Older women tend to experience something called dyspareunia or painful intercourse due to lack of vaginal lubrication. Doctors can treat it fairly easy recommendation lubricants or prescribing estrogen supplements to help with this issue.

Older men may experience impotence, for which they can take a pill called sildenafil, which can help with this. They can also try a vacuum device, self-injectable medications that can cause an erection, and penile implants.

retirees should try to live a healthier lifestyle to be more enjoyable sex life. Doing things like exercise, eating well, drinking lots of water, and avoiding smoking and alcohol consumption can help maintain a pleasant sex life. Asking for help from a doctor and bearing in mind that sex can be a positive, enjoyable aspect of life for people of all ages is of paramount importance.


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