Sunday, September 18, 2011

Should I Use Windows Update?

If you use a Windows Update?

This theme is good and valid arguments on both sides. Some would say keeping the windows up to now is essentially in line without the newest, worst viruses and the like. Others will say that updating your windows is overemphasized, unneeded and a waste of time.

In the future, Microsoft will have a way of discovering whether your version of Windows is actually purchased or pirated. With so many pirated copies of Windows on the market, as a move by Microsoft is almost required to continue to bend the OS market. For example, when SP 1 (and 2) out, you had to have authentic windows serial number in order to download updates. There are certainly ways of getting around it, but to discourage more illegal upgrade to a new service packages. Do you have a pirated copy of Windows (and most do not), then you could have downloaded a copy of the Windows SP 1 / 2, but you would have to completely re-install and possibly format to install it.

If you had the original Windows serial number that came with the product, you could just download the packages from the Windows Update servers.

Yeah, after a non-pirated copy of Windows is convenience. However, some will remember the stunning virus that was released not so long ago, MyDoom. He managed to find their way to the Microsoft Windows Update servers. When he got a virus, you would have 30 seconds before the computer shut down. If you have formatted, only to re-install Windows automatic updates turned on (and they are by default) to get the virus again.

Not to mention the Windows updates are a big factor in time. Some updates (especially the first time you use Windows Update) are huge, and download speeds are not always at its greatest. Someone on 56k would be a very difficult time through Windows Update at all (and if not, I do not recommend bothering ).

Now, you ask, what exactly is Windows Update? It is simply Microsoft engineers are working hard to fix bugs, problems and backdoors in Windows. What are these problems, you ask? Well, when Microsoft released Windows is not exactly the perfect OS. With each version of Windows, it is becoming more and more hi-tech. But there was always a problem with Windows is insecure.

The only way to find that Windows has a vulnerability is first to exploit this vulnerability. For example, Microsoft uses a white hat hackers (the good guys) violations of the windows, or a hacker to break into the Windows version and it has been reported.

So, to answer the question, it is important to update Windows? It's hard to say, without answers were biased opinion. I will give both sides of the argument of merit, but it honestly depends on what you do with your computer. For large businesses with an intranet, update for Windows is probably a good idea. It only takes one serious fault OS for hackers or virus bad leak and infect the whole network. Windows bugs and security issues, IE backdoors, etc. Windows Update permanent fixes for these problems.

for home desktop, even for a home network, Windows updates does not really matter. No one wants to hack a small boy, there is nothing to get from him. If you use a simple firewall, even the windows firewall in the home, you're protected from most threats. But big business is always in danger, the pages are constantly under the gun from DoS attacks and the IE "tricks". Windows Updates can not really help the DoS attacks, but they can prevent hackers, crackers, viruses, etc. from entering their network of computer failures in Windows code.

So, the answer to the question - whether to use Windows Update? If you've got a lot of infrastructure that you want to protect you. If you are a small man, one computer at home, a laptop, or even several computers thrown together in the home mreži.Odgovor is not. I do not recommend it, anyway. Just put the Windows Firewall, Black Ice Defender, Norton, Avast .... what you have. I enjoy viewing. That's about it.


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