Monday, September 19, 2011

VoIP Security Threats

VoIP has many advantages over the traditional telephone landlines. But have you considered the issue of security? There are three major threats to VoIP: spit, fraud and denial of service, which not only can terminate their services, but a compromise of your business and personal information


DOS (denial of service) interrupts your VoIP or other Internet services of attacking him with a massive number of server requests and traffic. It is easier for an attacker from viruses and malicious programs hiding within the millions of computers that are then used to create these applications or driving traffic to your usluga.Rezultat is similar to thousands of telephone calls come all at once to headquarters manned by one person, that person can not answer all these calls and phone lines are filled, blocking anyone else from getting through. The server runs a DoS attack is overwhelmed with traffic and can not work. It was estimated that 7% of all computers online are infected with malware, Trojans and viruses. When you consider that there are more than 200 million computers online in the United States alone, 7% do not seem so insignificant number! More than 7 million of these machines are sending spam on a regular basis, unbeknownst to their unfortunate owners. You can protect yourself and your business VoIP with a sturdy firewall to restrict traffic in and out, using the tools to fight spam and prevent and avoid sites that are favorites of malware providers, such as "adult" web sites and online gaming sites .

Fraud is also a problem for VoIP users, criminal hackers often use the VoIP system to make calls to premium rate numbers. This type of fraud is about even before VoIP PBX phone systems, and were often the victims. Call accounting software can help prevent this fraud and identify suspicious activity quickly. Phone phishing is another way to commit fraud, criminals send you or your business e-mail asks you to call the number and reveal account details of your PayPal account, bank account or other sensitive information. This type of attack is easier to turn away from the DoS attack by simply using common sense-of any institution engaged in that involves sensitive information will never send you an e-mail seeks to call and find out this information.

spit (spam over internet telephony) is irritating and dangerous. Billions of spam e-mails are sent each year, and now make up more than half of all e-mail sent around the world. Voice recognition software is being investigated as a way to combat these types of attacks, but now your best bet is to use software, traffic analysis, or sign up to VoIP providers who do not. This software can detect where the spam originates, and block traffic from these servers. NEC has also developed a tool called VoIP seal to check the source of suspicious calls before even the "rings" VoIP account. If you believe that the suspect will be forwarded to the system of testing to determine whether the caller is a human. Spit was still uncommon and not considered a major threat, but his potential is scary.


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