Saturday, September 17, 2011

Why A Hacker Might Be Interested In Even Your Website

Hackers attacked the websites for many reasons. Many were just there for "fun" of him, or perhaps build their CV hacked sites. But after he had hacked their website there are many things you could do with it. So you have to take precautions to protect your website and keep your eyes open for signs that he was hacked. But, knowing what they might do is the only way of knowing what to look for.

identity theft
Yes, your innocent website can be used for illegal purposes of phishing. After the hack it and can upload a picture, it is easy for them. And with your Web site, when the authorities discover the purpose of these pages you answer the questions and that the security detail bank account holders to your web server.

and it is a "big" problem - the hacker does not matter how much traffic you are or what your site looks. They are not interested in anything but a load HTML pages!

Virus distribution
If you have a lot of traffic then the hacker can try to overtake a part of popular sites to distribute malicious code. Using this technique, your visitors can suddenly find themselves having malware installed on their computers. After the search engine to discover they will stop sending traffic.

Search Engine Optimization
If your site has a good PageRank, then you're particularly good for this, but even the low ranking of web pages can be korisna.Napadač perhaps the only place some links to your existing site to get a few links in. Or they could go further and begin to create own optimized pages on your web site to advertise their products. The possibilities are endless here.

accessing your data
Do you process credit card information? Do you store them on-line, perhaps in the database? If so, then the hacker can start reading through your database and getting your customers pojedinosti.Problem here is that you do not even need to upload the image to do with SQL injection attacks.

If a hacker can gain control over your web site then no matter how popular it is with search engines and real people can benefit from it. Everyone must take precautions to protect your web site, the security admin functions, using the powerful FTP passwords and prevent SQL injection attacks.

to do so, and you just might end up as the next web page that is shut down when the owners can find you a victim of the attack.


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