Backlinks are like web gold. Each blogger desires them. Considering that they deliver traffic and can also deliver search engine recognition. And that's just what you'd like for your residence business web-site, suitable?
Unless you have got oodles of admiring fans wanting to link to your blog, the big question is... how to get those precious backlinks?
An even harder question is... how to get links from websites with a HIGH PAGERANK?
Now you can at all times put in the time required to get reciprocal links. But wouldn't it be so a lot much easier and faster if you could get the links to your weblog with no having to reciprocate?
So if we can agree on "one way high PR backlinks" as the fantastic objective, the question nonetheless remains... How?
The answer is: Obtain other relevant blogs, visit them and post a comment that the moderator will accept. The comment area in most cases includes a location to kind in your URL.
Bingo! You have your backlink. Confident, some search engine spiders dont follow those links if the blogging computer software add a rel=nofollow tag, but the spiders at 2 of the major 3 search engines reportedly ignore that tag.
Okay, we now have a program.
It also sounds like a lot of work, but yes, we have a strategy.
"How do I find relevant blogs?" you ask.
Just do a search by means of Google or Yahoo or MSN by typing in 'keyword + blog' and then visiting the web sites that turn up to see if they accept comments. Some blogs dont accept comments, you know. They're no superior for our purposes.
Bright Thought... What if we could automate the procedure?
What if some handy dandy piece of software went out and identified all the blogs for your keywords, and then checked if they accepted comments, and also listed the PR ranking of those blogs?
Guess what?
I discovered a piece of automation software program that does just that. And it is Totally free.
One way high PR backlinks... here we come!!
Your Totally free backlinks computer software is waiting for you at .
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