Saturday, September 17, 2011

David Briggs Joins Sarah Palin and Other Victims of E-Mailing Hacking

Briggs lost access to his account on the Hotmail e-mails after hackers were able to guess your password or other response to your question of qualifications.

Hackers locked Briggs from his own email account and stole his identity, all your spam kontakte.Hakeri sent e-mail that appeared to be from Briggs reports that he was captured in Malaysia and the money transferred.

Even Twitter got tweaked by the Hacker:

Recently, Twitter employees has become a victim of similar e-mail hacking muljaža.Haker guessed the answer to e-mail question employees and password.

incident, Twitter co-founder Biz Stone blogged, "About a month ago, an administrative employee here at Twitter has focused her personal email account was hacked. From a personal account, we believe the hacker was able to obtain information, allowing employees access to this Google Apps account, which contains documents, calendars, and other Google Apps Twitter relies on the sharing of notes, tables, ideas, financial details and more in the company ."

Remember Sarah Palin e-mail hacker?

During the last year, a heated presidential campaign, the private Yahoo Mail account of Sarah Palin, the Republican vice presidential candidate, was hacked by "Rubic." Hacker, with the intention of derailing the Palin campaign, using Wikipedia to learn Palin's birthday, the standard security question used Yahoo.

forever "Forgot your password ?"

According to a study by Microsoft Research and Carnegie Mellon University, the most popular Web mail services, AOL, Google, Yahoo and Microsoft, all use the "secret questions" that appear to be even weaker than passwords alone .. Since the study, Yahoo says you have updated their personal issues.

Look at any list of your friends and family, whether from phone contacts, address book, Facebook account or e-mail friends. Choose any name randomly and ask yourself:

"Where did she go on her honeymoon?" (Asheville)

"What is the name of his dog?" (Buffy)

"What is the name of your favorite aunt?" (Mary)

"What is her favorite food?" (chocolate)

Even hacking alien can learn a lot of this information with a bit of research from social networking sites like Facebook or MySpace. How are the newlyweds to their honeymoon photo album released? Are the pictures posted on their pets? Look at their children by nicknames in your posts?

visit my family tree web sites like or con artists can make a list of damages and to start ", which is your favorite" guessing game.

Google G-mail include your frequent flier number, which is very good on your desk or library card number, which is often more than a key chain.

If you can not remember the name of his first teacher, it is likely that there are few people who can not remember your first teacher's name previše.Isto applies to the first street you lived on his first dog.

that you've heard it all before David Briggs e-mail hacking incident reminds us all that we all need to do today.

Do not use the "loser" (as in losing security) password:

-his birthday
-your anniversary
-your favorite name

Savvy Passwords must contain:

-at least 8 digits
and upper-and lowercase letters
-digits, and letters

Other password tips:

Many passwords nude meter to show how "strong" or "poor," your passwords. Pay attention.

Change passwords on a regular basis in case of breech presentation.

to strengthen its response to safety today. Create your own question, if this is an option. If you do not try to answer that is probably guessable or researchable like my favorite food is 9BuTeredPeas .. Everything is fine, now I have to go change.


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