Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Globalizing Social, Religious, and Human Rights Issues - Hypocrisy and Danger

There are a number of large organizations in the world whose commitment and effort is a constant reminder of the need for global cooperation, support and unity. Historical tragedies, such as slavery, colonization, world wars and genocide revealed in this world that there is such evil that transcends barriers and affects the core of our common humanity.

in the same breath, the global response to natural disasters like the tsunami in 2004, 2005 hurricane in New Orleans, and the outpouring of support for victims of January 12, 2010 earthquake that struck the island of Haiti is a further example of caring and solidarity that can and should exist in our world.

If we add the votes of support that were heard around the world in compassion for the victims of 11th September terrorist attacks in New York, and those in November 2006 bombings in India, we clearly see svrhuglobalno coordinated effort to protect and defend the oppressed people around the world.

On the other hand, a closer look at intelligence failures and political motives that have led to the invasion of Iraq in 2003, surprising differences in diplomatic priorities of the UN, the persistence of democracy in the oil-rich countries ioverzealous nature of religious missionaries in developing countries; . certainly understand that for all the good international organizations, both governmental and nongovernmental, can provide, there is great room for overbearing and intrusive behavior

two cases that exemplify the potential pitfall of the original intentions of the good will of the global response to the Government of Uganda and the decision to propose anti-homosexuality law on October 13, 2009, and obscene comments U.S. televangelist Pat Robertson, who attributed the earthquake tragedy in Haiti as a result of the pact with devil by the people of Haiti.

Although it is much easier to criticize Pat Robertson, it seems strange to see a lot of mistakes in the international effort, religious and human rights organizations resulted in the condemnation of the Ugandan Bill, however, both as a reminder of the strict imposition of foreign values ​​and perceptions of a group of people. Pat Robertson's comments were colonialist at best, as they condemn the Ugandan law threatened to seed the expansionist world view.

To better understand the source of these allegations, we must take account of issues which are being developed, and the similarities with the issues that are similar to that proved to be damaging:. Democracy and Christianity

South African Bishop Desmond Tutu once said. ". Let us pray '" When the missionaries came to Africa in the Bible and we had a land They said, We closed eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible, and they are ground ."

of Christianity and slavery, unfortunately, are linked to the wrong reasons, and missionary work and colonization are forever linked with one another. Although 40% of the African population is Christian, many still practice it as a relic of the colonial era, and it's easy to incorporate the indigenous belief system. It is not uncommon to see the African church attendance on Sundays, but placing their trust in traditional spiritual leaders for the important things. Although there are many committed Christians in Africa, with each passing generation, Christianity became the cultural elements imported from foreign cultures as well as in opera, not necessarily in line with social realities.

more Africans understand the way in which Christianity has made its way into Africa, the more they will look for its authenticity either to accept it for what it really is, or will dismiss it as a tool used in the colonial invaders pokoritikontinenta. From Christianity to political and economic policies, today Africa has learned to see the Western models, and suggestions with considerable misgivings, to the point where even humanitarian aid is perceived as veiled exploitative enterprise.

When you take into account that Christianity was again in Africa, and the relationship that followed, those who profess it, is growing dissatisfaction with Western democratic principles based on the course. After nearly 50 years after the West prescribed pills to solve their problems, Africa has finally realized that Western solutions are not one size fits all model;. A trend that has favored the growth of trade with China

21 century, Africa encompasses the notion that his success and growth must be domestic, and becoming more cautious and tend to reminisces colonial-era practices.

With regard to religion, Islam is no doubt in the same boat as Christianity when it comes to foreign religions originated, but it is Christianity that has witnessed a wave of variations in the cult of form that combines traditional Christian dogma with the indigenous African beliefs . Finding your destiny is probably Africa's efforts 21st century and the Africans, whose goal is to make their own way. It is not surprising, but quite revealing that the U.S. president Barack Obama has found useful to mention during his first visit to Africa in Accra, Ghana. Obama said that "every nation gives life to democracy in their own way and in accordance with their own traditions ."

Obama has also said that "America will not seek to impose any system of government in any other country - the essential truth of democracy is that every nation determines its fate ".

When one is able to observe and understand these new trends, it will be easier to understand why Pat Robertson comments, not content to be completely bare of historical accuracy, just insensitive, untimely and loaded with clean up of colonial self-inflated equity .

First of all, attributable to the fault of the people who had just been the victim of severe natural disasters pause concern that Mr. Robertson sense and touch with reality. Second, simply declare that the whole nation in the grip of the devil on the basis of this tragedy, as he said that New Orleans was a victim of Hurricane Katrina because the people of this city have committed a great evil during Mardi Gras. Third, suppose that, after suffering from the crimes of slavery, people in Haiti owes his freedom devil is directly insults not only the courage and bravery of Haitians, but also the generations of brave men and women of all races who stand against racism and slavery.

deceit and shame and Pat Robertson surveys may find comfort in religion that he said such a thing was probably just because it's the devil I publish it on him. Finally, they have the audacity to want prayer for the people of Haiti after such a comment is a disgrace to Christians around the world. Pat Robertson comments were not different that Osama bin Laden accused the United States in the group with the devil. How different is Mr. Robertson conclusions differ from the infamous Rev. Wright deduction of the origin of 9 / 11 attacks?

the greatest discovery in Pat Robertson's comments there still exists a self-anointed opinion that the truth does not know the truth, this is no different from the colonial missionaries that is in itself sacred mission to convert the African natives who "knew God" . Just like them, Pat Robertson wrong to imply that colonial France must be on the side of God, which is why Haiti had to resort to the devil for freedom.

This kind of hypocrisy and stupidity Declaration ultimate reason why Christianity and democracy have such a bad perception of Africa, automatically, in the West religion, politics, society and culture gets a bad rap. This, together with those negative attitudes to homosexuality is seen as the recent "white people" the evil that tries to invade Africa, just like Christianity and Western democracy before it.

Sex is actually a taboo in Africa, and although many things are changing, there are still huge social and cultural dynamics that reinforces gender roles, values ​​and interakcije.Ostatak Christian and Islamic influences, combined with the already prevailing patriarchal structures remain little room for acceptance of homosexuality. After Uganda, the proposed legislation, many voices, mostly in the West, appeared condemn it, for meetings and events reprehensible Africa homophobic society.

On the other side of the battle, many in Africa regard homosexuality as another cultural import from the West, it is synchronized as the UN afrička.Problem is that homosexuality is no more non-African, but polygamy is UN-American or murder is typically European. Homosexuality, such as Polygamy, or murder, the act, the choice of a life characterized by a certain sexual preference. To him assigned to a particular culture or place ignoring the impulses that affect human nature. Homosexuality can be found in any country, culture or society, just as heterosexual behavior.

Homosexuality is not like racism either, from the simple fact that what we have come to describe as race can not be concealed. If the contrary is proved, a person of African decent can not walk into a room and be as one of the Asia-decent, a gay person must reveal their sexual orientation to be identified as such.

With that said, whether or not to be imported from the West, the persecution of groups of people based on their lifestyle does not distinguish them from persecution for their religious beliefs. This is no different from the Inquisition, and plain wrong, besides, even if homosexuality is different from racism, discrimination is the same everywhere. The denial of certain rights of individuals on the basis of information revealed that they differ from masses or other groups is also plain wrong.

Violence, witch hunts and discrimination against homosexuals is certainly wrong, no matter where it happens, however, passing laws that do not favor their way of life does not. There is a point where the line must be drawn, and where all the groups that were set up to defend gay rights must understand its limits. Human Rights Watch, and gay support groups must understand that just as in politics, where there is a point where, within its sphere in the diplomatic arena, and second, where national sovereignty has been violated. In the case of homosexuality, and the sphere of the social sphere.

Homosexuality is a social issue, it must be treated as such in the exclusive company involved. Jonathan Zimmerman wrote on Projo.com "... if you are appalled by the new Uganda draft, as I do not blame the West for it. Ugandans blame. It's their country, their society, their rights. And their guilt ." Some were added to the relations in South Africa that "well ahead of countries such as near Malawi, where a gay couple was thrown in jail for trying to marry ."

the only problems with these comments, the words "fault" and "Way Forward". Again we see the perception that if African countries do not comply with the Code of western values, which is immediately back or doing something wrong. Is America to blame for laws that protect animals when so many children can not stay on the street? Is America still has the back states that practice capital punishment?

Understand the boundaries between social issues and human rights is a topic that many Westerners do not understand, because they are often blinded by the perception that they set an example for the rest of the world.

The reality is that a deal on African reluctance to accept homosexuality, we must look at African societies before and after colonization. We need to understand social values​​, morality and family structure to understand their views on community building, gender and the dynamics of the birth of responsibility.

Despite various declarations of the global community, we must not forget that the laws are different from country to country. Some still support the death penalty, while others hate it. Some democracy, others are theocracies. Some of the prohibition of alcohol, when others thrive on the business;. Even as criminalizing prostitution, regulate several

At the end of the day, when it comes to social issues, as the shares that the company views itself, its components and its future. Every country on earth vie for their own survival and to achieve this, every established social norms that will regulate how to live with each other, develop practices that will foster the bonds, and behaviors that will ensure its survival through future generations. If at any time, a country that views homosexuality as a threat to these goals, it has the right and duty to take steps that will preclude or significantly reduce that threat. It is in this line of thought that marriage benefits is established, it tolerates polygamy, arranged marriage is instituted and improved with respect to core families prefer.

Democracy is not exporting the goods, as well as cultural values ​​can not and must not be imposed. Of course, as the world grows closer, the differences are bound to be observed and done, however, we must remember that if our human nature compels us to fight injustice and evil wherever it strikes, we can not carry that passion to the point where we have exceeded our borders.

Across Africa, governments make laws against homosexuality, ahead of 53 and 38 countries criminalize homosexual relations. Human Rights Watch argues that the method of "political manipulation". This may be true, but the sadness is that it becomes an effective political tool because once the population feels that his social values ​​are exceeded by the side of the element they tend to rally behind those who swear to protect those values. The same thing is seen in the United States since 9 / 11

around the world, along with gays and lesbians support, there are groups that fight against Polygamy or arranged marriage, and some are struggling and find fights, too many wrinkles on the simple principles of its value better, so it should be exported. American missionaries roam around the world, but Muslim secondary school in the United States is viewed with suspicion final.

During the past two decades, almost every African nation is banned or heavily restricted homosexual activity. Sex is still taboo in Africa, strip clubs are rare, and not because of backwardness or lack of it is simply due to the nature of culture, values ​​and norms of their society. If things should change, let it be at a pace acceptable by society in a positive view of the circumstances.

Violence and discrimination against homosexuals is wrong, but they must also identify the circumstances in which they develop. Every year, Africa loses its brains and talent because his country does not provide an environment in which to thrive, it seems that no one complains about him, if you get anything more from him. Likewise, gay men in Africa need to understand the social construct of their environment. If gay groups in America are so keen to help them, the green card option is always available.

Obama said he was in Ghana in Africa's future in the hands of Africans, then it is up to Africans to decide what kind of future they want and what type of society. Too often Africa is subject to outside influences, from Christianity to democracy through the economy. Now the same fight, Homosexuality is creeping in, re-designing Africa has an imperfect society that live in the past. Socially speaking, Africa is not at fault, not the reverse may be, has its own culture, its values ​​and its norms. He did not seek help from the devil to fight with the colonists, so that should help gay groups cope with their gay community. Although not everyone may agree with the methods, we have to allow Africa to learn and grow if we want to see social change. They have occurred in the past, they will happen again.

What you need to stop for self-righteous conservative missionary to see your custom fit Christianity appropriated as a tool to disperse throughout the world, the G8 politicians should realize that their democratic model is far from perfect and still growing before you invest in the mission to be exported. Finally, gay support groups and Human Rights Watch must learn not to overstep their boundaries, and accept that if their company can absorb homosexual unions, it does not mean that every nation on earth to do.

After these wrong missionaries, politicians and so-called human rights groups will come to realize that and stop their hypocrisy, then you will be able to provide our colleagues who have committed good deeds, educate, learn and build on the simplicity of the places in need. Truth diplomats can help and encourage people to remove leaders of corruption and practices;. A focus group of human rights can keep an eye on what is important, but still give room for other companies to choose for their course with the human right of conscience

There are a number of large organizations in the world whose commitment and effort is a constant reminder of the need for global cooperation, support and unity. It's about time we should do what they do best.


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