Saturday, September 17, 2011

How I Used the Hacker Mindset to Get Better Grades

would not wrong here, by a hacker, I do not think computer hackers, which involves in illegal activities. What I'm talking about someone who has your skills, so fine that they can do amazing things in a particular area that seems like magic to others.

So what does this have to do with getting better grades in school?

everything! You see, as hackers, nothing is impossible, there is a popular saying that says "if there is a will, there is a way", and that is how the hacker lives and breathes. They have no limits on what they can do, and that is how things are.

If there is something you do not understand or simply can not solve, but they will look for a solution until he finally gets it, it's just that simple. In a sense, they are really fascinating things about them and they will try to explore as much as possible and play with him just to see what they can download.

as well as for students, it seems as if they were attached to a wall that restricts what you can do, but actually, it's also a wall built for himself. Here's what I think, students often only studies that have been assigned to study. And when that happens, they relate only to its books and whatever's inside knowledge.

And yes, there is a giant search engine "Google." But how often do you use Google to search and expand your knowledge? I bet most people who search on the Internet is any music or entertainment related stuff, because it is a simple way, and sometimes more convenient.

However, Google is such a great tool to use for getting information, this is not the only way for you to get the latest celebrity news and "what you do" thing. You can use this resource and greatly expand your knowledge and understanding of things.

Hackers love the internet, especially Google, because it contains billions of pages of information that might last them several lifetimes. Think of Bill Gate, his company also has a search engine, or Steve Wozniak, who co-founded Apple. All these people have one thing in common, do not limit yourself to what they can do


My point here is that students need to explore more, beyond what they were told.

When my friends ask me what I'm doing lately, I told them I was working on the project. And most of the time, they will ask: "Oh, that's for school?" and most of the time I tell them no, because this is my personal project, and I was not in school at that time ....

Do you see a pattern here? When people start assuming things, it means something. Most students are limited in their textbooks and what is in it. And the fact that most books are well written and makes it even more frustrating and painful for students to study.

and spent much time and energy trying to find books that I can study, and sometimes I found a gold mine and that's what you really need. You do not need books that are written by some low-paid writer, whose only goal is to fill the page with a fuzz and boring that is almost guaranteed to put any students in a deep sleep while reading the first sentence.

The key here is to get better grades and greater academic success is to investigate and understand how you can. Most students read only to fulfill the request, and have enough knowledge to barely pass the test. This is simply not enough.

If you really want to get better grades, you need to understand what they study and explore as much as you can while you are enjoying. You also need to relate information and connect the dots so you do not really understand the material, not just learning on the surface level.

When you start to have a habit of it, you'll start to notice that not only their grades will improve, but at the same time will become intelligent. So start now to develop a hacker mindset and you'll do better soon.

If you want to get more than me,


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