Saturday, September 17, 2011

Password Management - How to Stay Safe and Secure with Online Passwords

questions and tips below are designed to help us keep safe when using a password.

1 Use the 'easy' password?

password safe, if there is nothing obvious about it. It is best to avoid family names, pet names, in fact, was an ordinary English word or name, as quite a few dates, birthdays, phone numbers, addresses, numbers, car plate numbers, and so on.

the best, strongest passwords are long and random. They also contain letters and numbers. They are a mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters.
Also, if you can, it's even better to have some "extended" characters such as underscore (_), percent sign (%), tilde (~) or a plus sign (+).

On some sites you can find that some of these characters are disallowed. Do not worry, just try a few: on-line form will tell you if it is not a valid password for their system.
Elsewhere at least use one of these characters can be provided.

Of course, if you have more than a few passwords - and they are strong, random ones with extended characters - how they do it? More on that below.

How do you get a truly random password?

a lot of web users are using passwords easily type mentioned above. For them, if you would just click randomly on the keyboard to make great strides in the strength of your password. They could easily come up with something like this: hao484HSs83l - much better than something like "alex23 ".

beginning of a true random passwords conveniently and properly usually involves some software (for convenience) with / and a random number generator. Most password management software can produce strong random passwords for you on request.

you can find a random password to the creators of web pages. But do not just use the first website you see that you offer this service. Some of these supplements can produce truly random passwords.

This is free software that can be used to generate the passwords, such as this. This is just one example: I am not personally vouching for the quality of the software or the chance of your password


2 Do you use the same password for more than one account?

Every time we are required to submit a password must use new and different passwords. For example, suppose you need a password for your bank account, an e-mail, the Internet forum you visit, you may use a password to log into your computer (you should). It should be four different passwords. Otherwise, a hacker or identity thief only needs to reveal a password, and then try it out on some bank accounts, email accounts, web forums, or anything else associated with your name.

I forgot the second question: if you have many different passwords - and they are strong, random one - could look like this: "3K $ R ^ Xy7x = 'm / w 33rd whether to let your browser remember your password?

If the password to something very important, such as banking, to say no when your browser asks if you want to remember your password or other application to the details.
I am not trying to criticize any viewers here, but there are two main points to consider:

A. Your browser has this option mainly for convenience, not security.
People who make the browser such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox, give you the opportunity to use this feature for your convenience.
They will store your passwords in a secure manner, but they provide an opportunity for your convenience, not for maximum online security.

browser password storage is designed to be difficult to hack, and it's probably not worth the trouble for most hackers - as they are easy pickings for them. However, if this is the issue of all the money in your bank account, do not rely on a feature that provides only for convenience.

B. If your computer is unattended ...

There is another problem with letting your browser automatically when you log on to sites such as banks. If you step away from your computer, then everyone who has access to your computer can access any of these sites with your identity.

In order to log into web sites, banks, forums, etc. Some people are very, very careful about entering user names and password in form fields. Some people are very security conscious and in defense against keyloggers, never actually type in your password. They copy and paste instead.

Even so, they still do not feel safe in their entirety: they know that it was crafted in a position to record your keystrokes may also be able to capture your clipboard, as well.
I noticed that KeePassX will clear the clipboard for a few seconds after application password. Very wise.

(Of course, if someone has installed a keylogger or a clipboard capture tool on your computer you've been hacked:. You have some serious security problems beyond the question of the password)

Now, another question, remember a lot of passwords:? Where are we now

We have many different passwords ...

They are strong, random ones ...

, which is certainly not just let our browser remember them ...

, which is not safe to keep in mind one ...

So how do we remember them all? More on this immediately below.

4 Do you store your passwords in an unsafe place?

This is a place where people can make a bad mistake, exposing themselves to identity theft.
I recently saw an article on this subject which is very bad advice. It is suggested that you should "make note" of your user names and passwords, perhaps in an Excel spreadsheet, for example.


Anyone with access to a computer can get the spreadsheet and find out all your passwords. (Unless he somehow secured, ie encrypted, hidden, password-protected, etc. - but the article does not mention that .)

Fortunately, we do not need to rely on tips like that.

There are a lot of software available that is specifically designed to store the password in a safe. Also, this type of software will, on request, safe place passwords in forms on web pages. So they offer the same benefits that you would get if you allowed your browser to remember passwords. However, with a special password software get more security. Because people support software such as the security experts.

Free Password

As usual, there is free help available in computer security.

For example, KeePass is a 'password safe' that stores your passwords with strong security. It is free to download and use. Just looking for KeePass or check out cross-platform version, KeePassX. This works on Windows, Linux and Mac. You can use the same password file at home and work and school, etc., even if Theos sites use different operating systems -. Difficult

Another aptly named PasswordSafe. You can read about it on PasswordSafe place.
PasswordSafe is a service that stores your data online. So much for any operating system, Windows, Mac and Linux.

the people should decide for yourself whether this type of remote storage of passwords is a good measure of security for them. On the one hand, you believe that PasswordSafe people will store them in a safe place. On the other hand, there is a safety advantage, because if you lost all your computers (eg in a house fire) still keep all your passwords.

Service does not recommend using the most sensitive online activities (eg log-in bank account). This is understandable, because their service is free. They do not want to be exposed to legal problems that could solve, if someone claims that thieves get access to their banking passwords.

There is also a popular RoboForm. Last time I looked I saw a claimed 18 million users. The application is available in many languages​​. With the free version can store up to 20 passwords.

Another free solution:

Use your own is very difficult to access documents for storing your passwords.
(This is what worked for me, without cost, but do not take the best quality security advice .)

for a long time I felt generally safe to mention my passwords in a password-protected documents, OpenOffice on a Linux computer. These are just word processing documents. However, OpenOffice documents are stored as compressed XML, and even if someone stole documents from my computer that will have a hard time trying to discover what really has (no password). Also, it is on Linux, which is something the security solution in itself.

By the way, we would keep our bank details in the document as it is essential to.Nekoliko PIN number and only needs to memorize, and not written or stored anywhere.

This became awkward end. I started using KeyPassX. Very easy and convenient.

In summary

I do not want to think that you must be a security expert just to log onto your favorite web site or use the forum.
The point is that many Internet users can make big progress for safety only two simple things:

1 Using stronger passwords

2 Keeping them in a safe place.

If you have too many passwords to remember, and you have to burn them, then keep them in a safe place. You can use your own way, or some free or commercial software specifically designed for this purpose.


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