Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Apparently Honesty Test Can Someone Judging from the style of language

Want to see someone actually honest or lie? Who really is honest and who is lying in the former case the Democratic Party General Bendarhara Nazaruddin with the Corruption Eradication Commission? Test the truth may actually be revealed by forensic language. The new study is being developed by the University of Education Indonesia, Bandung.

As surgeons in the world of forensic medicine, forensic language greeting to dissect a person who transcribed oral or written. Analysis of these languages ​​in several countries like Australia and Europe, have been used as evidence in court.

Surgical ways that language, according to a professor of pragmatics, sociolinguistics, and philosophy of language UPI Endang Aminudin Aziz, in two ways, namely interviews and investigation report (BAP) the litigants. "Language experts can also know whether the makers of the BAP is honest or not," says founder of forensic language in Indonesia is in the conversation told Tempo last weekend.

Language expert analyze the inner structure of language and language of birth. The structure can be analyzed from the birth of language and sentence construction are used. While the inner structure of meaning in terms of the spoken word. "The merger was to be seen whether the case was related to someone who believes it or not, or hesitant with his words," he said.

Sentence construction and word choice of speakers, the relative would be consistent with what is believed to someone. Including the use of active sentences, passive, and a complicated language with many compound sentences. Although quite a lot of variables valuation, said Aminudin, analysts can find patterns of language used by speakers of the language consistency. "The accuracy of forensic language abroad reached 80 percent," said the former head of the Ministry of Education Language Centre, 2010.

The remaining 20 percent, considered a failure to analyze the people who did have a psychological disorder, and the masterful play of language. "To fool the people, every time his words could be changed so that linguists could not find the truth of his words. Maybe he used to lie as a child," said Provost UPI field of planning, research, and development of it.

In the case of the former Treasurer of the Democratic Party, for example, so far she suspected that her mouth Nazarudin not clever dodges. Comparing the contents of short messages, letters, and direct interviews in the media, said Aminudin, have a different language constructs. "But I have not been able to deduce the level of lies, because the necessary interviews," he said.

Experts involved should master the basic science of language such as phonology, morphology, and semantics. Plus framework within systemic functional grammar, the theory of pragmatics, and discourse theory. "This blend of many languages ​​of science," he said. Even so, no international standard forensic language because each language in the world have uniqueness. At UPI, forensic language since last year began to be developed through the study for a thesis and a research professor.

Forensic language had been used by the police of Indonesia since the last few years, generally in the case of defamation. Linguists are required as an expert witness, for example in the case of Tempo magazine by Tomi Winata also Prita Mulyasari. But that, says Aminudin, a new analysis on the surface that can be dug deeper.

He hopes the law enforcement agencies such as police, prosecution and judiciary, making the language as a tool of forensic evidence at the trial. In the case of murder in Australia with Aboriginal defendants, he said, the language of forensic experts can save the defendant from imprisonment. "The judge wrong perception. In Aboriginal society, there are certain sentence structures which have only just answer yes, words do not do not known," said the linguistics doctoral graduate from Monash University in Australia 2000's.

Criminologists from the Faculty of Law University of Padjadjaran Yesmil Anwar said the results of forensic language will greatly depend on the needs and beliefs of judges at the trial. "Certainly the evidence within the trial should be considered important, in seeking the truth of the material, not merely formal truth," he said.


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